
I'm Dale, the author of Going 1099

Networking Strategy: Meet Connectors

Published 17 days ago • 1 min read

The other day I met up with someone that I wanted to hire for a project at a coffee shop in Fairfax, VA.

29th Parallel Coffee

I'm not sure if it's going to work out with hiring him, but he offered to put me in touch with several of his friends who might be looking for work.

He also knew a few other folks in the government contracting industry that just happened to walk in while we were there so he introduced me.

Oh and he knew the shop owner and his son.

His son is majoring in computer science and is looking for an internship. We chatted for a few minutes and I may hire him for a few hours this summer to work on some projects for me.

This is what happens when you meet with a connector.

Connectors are typically very social people with a large network AND are happy to make introductions.

They are force multipliers for your own networking efforts.

So if you happen to meet with one, take advantage! In a sincere way of course. Like I say in my book, don't cynically use people.

But if they offer to make an introduction, say yes. Those folks might be connectors too.

This is how opportunities open up.

Maybe not right away, but at some point, someone you met at a coffee shop a year ago could be your next hire

Or they could connect you with a program manager at a company you can 1099 for.

Or maybe they introduce you to the love of your life (okay that's a stretch...I think).

So find the connectors, and make their network your network.

If you're interested in learning how to get your first solo 1099 federal sub-contract, check out my book:

Going 1099: How to become a solo federal sub-contractor and gain control of your working life, earn more money and unlock more free time

I'm Dale, the author of Going 1099

Going 1099 is a book that teaches you how to become a solo federal sub-contractor and gain control of your working life, earn more money and unlock more free time. I wrote it because quite a few people have asked me how they can become a 1099. I figured it was best to write a single book that I can send them and that I can share with others who are interested. This newsletter goes out Monday - Friday and covers topics that will help you succeed in starting and maintaining successful 1099 career.

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